How Do After School Programs Enrich the Community?

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How Do After School Programs Enrich the Community?

Posted On: August 16, 2018 By Jim Newton

Community enrichment begins with attending to the diverse needs of families. Quite simply, investing in the well being of children is a way to attend to the needs of the community, where the future of a community can be a brighter, thriving, and more tolerant place. Investing in our children means nurturing their natural talents and gifts, providing safe and secure places for them to confide in adults, expanding their minds and hearts, and helping them grow and develop into competent, confident, healthy adults. In these ways, after school programs provide families and communities with opportunities for enrichment.

Kid at After School Program

Traditionally, after school programs have been an excellent option for parents with busy work schedules, as they offer a safe place for children to go after school hours where they can get help with homework, make new friends, and participate in novel experiences. However, after school programs offer such benefits to children and communities, many parents consider after school programs as supplemental to their everyday learning in school. In this article, we’ll go over the many ways that after school programs enrich the community by investing in children.

Increases academic performance

After school programs offer children quiet study time after school where they can focus on learning in a different, more individualized setting. Studies have shown that children who participate in after school programs often improve their grades. Furthermore, children who participate in after school programs on a regular basis achieve higher academic performance overall. This could be due to several different conditions present in after school programs, including helpful, attending adults, quiet spaces to study, supportive peer groups, and access to general tutoring services.

Promotes positive classroom and school behavior

After school programs also improve students’ classroom behaviors, such that those who traditionally found it difficult to concentrate were better able to attend to their studies in the classroom setting without becoming distracted. After school programs also increase the rate of student attendance, enhance future goals related to education, and promote determination to graduate from high school.

Encourages development and growth

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After school programs aren’t just for older children; young children also benefit from the enrichment that after school programs can offer their families and communities. Effective after school programs take into account the developmental stages of different age groups of children, and cater their programs to address the important developmental milestones that every child must reach. They promote outdoor play and physical activity, prosocial behaviors such as sharing and communicating well with others, and self-care practices such as personal hygiene and feeding behaviors that promote overall health and wellness in adult life. This can create healthier, happier adults in our community.

Reduces social risks

After school programs have also shown to reduce the potential for negative social behaviors such as substance use, criminal activity, and other risk-taking behaviors. Keeping kids engaged in positive activities like volunteer work instill communal values and societal interest, where their natural talents and abilities are nurtured and put to use. When children learn that they are valuable to their community and have a sense of commitment to a greater cause, they are better equipped to avoid partaking in negative, risky behaviors that jeopardize their own future as well as that of their families and community.

Provides a safe haven for children and families

After school programs provide children with a safe place to go after school. This is especially beneficial for families with working parents. It is common for children to engage in risky behaviors between the hours that they get out of school and parents traditionally get home from work. By providing a safe, supported, and supervised place for children to go after school, after school programs help keep communities secure.

Happy Kids

With all of these wonderful benefits, it’s no wonder why after school programs have grown in popularity over the years in Sugar Hill, GA. Community enrichment is an important part of why we do what we do here at Great Beginnings Child Care and Learning Center. We care deeply about our community, and see every family and child as a way to better the future. We believe in the positive effects that after school programs have on communities, and that offering support for families and children is the greatest opportunity to instill positive values in our own community. To learn more about our various after school program, please look over our website or contact us directly.