More After-School Enrichment Programs for Kids Residing in Sugar Hill

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More After-School Enrichment Programs for Kids Residing in Sugar Hill

Posted On: June 20, 2020 By Jim Newton

Schools are fantastic institutions that offer kids the chance to learn and grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. When parents and guardians drop their kids off at school, they know they are leaving their loved ones in a safe and well-structured environment. They know that the adults with whom they are entrusting their kids will take care of them and keep them from harm, giving parents and guardians peace of mind when they are at work, so they do not have to worry over the safety of their kids. But when school ends and the bell rings, it doesn’t mean that the learning experiences have to end for your child, too.

Kids Learning At After-School Programs

Benefits of After-School Programs

After-school programs can be a very positive experience for kids. They are given the opportunity to learn and create in productive ways, as well as the time and space to learn and experiment on their own terms. These programs also often have smaller group sizes than the everyday classroom, enabling greater flexibility for teachers to cater their teaching styles and approaches to topics specifically to the needs of the child. As a result, kids who find the noisy and sometimes even chaotic classroom environment a struggle often perform more strongly in after-school programs, where teachers have the ability to focus their attention more easily on one person at a time.

Kids can also be provided with the academic support, test preparation, and homework help they may need in these programs, which will help to build their skills and confidence when they return to the classroom.

The freedom and autonomy that teachers offer in after-school programs enables them to provide a much more well-rounded, hands-on, creative, and multimodal lesson experience for the kids they teach, many of which revolve around STEM, STEAM, and other areas of nontraditional learning.


While after-school programs can offer kids a chance to boost their potential, it is important that the program offers an engaging experience for the child. The needs, interests, abilities and talents of children change for different ages and backgrounds. They continue to change as they get older. By recognizing this, teachers are able to tailor these programs to them, fostering greater levels of engagement by developing programs that stand in stark contrast to the everyday classroom experience.

After-school programs also offer kids a chance to expand their horizons in less academic areas. Without the formal nature of the classroom, kids are able to interact safely with other children and adults, helping them develop strong, positive relationships with adults and their peers.
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Planning an Enriching Experience

When children attend after-school programs, they don’t have to be confined to a desk. Study time is always fruitful for nurturing a child’s development, but interactive and sometimes even adventurous methods of teaching can often improve kids abilities to learn and make the information they are taking in stick.

Consider a hypothetical situation where children have been learning of some local history. By taking an area of discussion from this lesson into local history, perhaps a story or even a play could be composed. This opens up opportunities to explore the arts through designing sets for the play, physical activity by acting out parts, business and maths by making and distributing tickets to come and see the play, and potentially even cooking and nutrition by making and selling snacks to members of the audience.

This situation incorporates a number of different subjects for the kids, and while they are having fun being actors and designing sets, they are learning and taking in more information, often without even realising it. It also enables teachers to help kids build on their strengths, rather than focus on their weaknesses, and gives kids challenges they can meet through their direct participation. It also fosters opportunities to develop leadership and decision-making skills, which in the long term will boost their emotional, social, and even academic skills and potential.

Great Beginnings Child Care and Learning Center

Located in Sugar Hill, GA, at Great Beginnings, we offer structured after school programs, indoor and outdoor sports, and organised games that promote good study habits, social interaction, and teamwork in a secure, positive, and nurturing learning environment.

Happy Kids At After-School Programs

We organise and arrange activities by age and aptitude for children, so young elementary kids to pre-teens each receive the specific level of attention they need based on their individual requirements. By maintaining our high level of activity in a diverse and stimulating environment, we are able to give your child a head start from the moment they join us, as well as a reason to get up and be active. Call us today to schedule a consultation or to speak with one of our teachers.